Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Joel & Kellie: I do's @ Emu Park

SO... despite promises made I admit I HAVE slacked in the blog department... I have just been working so hard there has been no time for fun stuff such as blogging.

June 20th, I had my first wedding in Emu Park. Never been there before, and again, despite all intentions of heading up there for a look before Kellie & Joels wedding, it didnt happen *sigh*

I took Robyn with me on this wedding, so she could take the 5D MkII for a test drive :) (PSSS I am sure she will share some of her beautiful images on here also)

So long story short, we got lost in zilzie (HOW can that happen I hear you say?) Well the grooms address was not to be found on maps or the trusty Nav Man - panic much? well yes. So I ditched thoughts of groom first and thought we will go and see Kellie first, Robyn clearly saw the street name on the map. Easy. Nope. This street was broken into like three different sections, which, you could not get into easily.

Finally we found Kellie & the girls, and as it turns out, doesnt matter that we didnt get to the boys anyway, because Joel only bought two left shoes ?? Yes - thats right the groom had two left shoes. So that worked out for the best, we arranged to get the boys at the ceremony prior to the arrival of the girls

These are just a few of my fav shots of the beautiful Kellie

Her dress was completely stunning

So, Joel got an actual pair of shoes in the end :) Here he is with boys at the ceremony waiting for Kellie to arrive
And Kellie & Joels Niece & nephews who were in attendance, and they were all so very cute :D Isnt the little one so incredibly cute??

Its time! Kellie arrived in her limo, this is one of my fav times during the whole experience - the arrival and the ceremony. Its all 150% candid and it works because this after all what the entire day is ALL about. Brides and Grooms become oblivious to the people with cameras and they get caught up in what they are doing (as they should!!) and you get real expression! Which is what I try to acheive all of the time
I love the pic below of Kellie not only do we have sensational lighting conditions :) but the obvious expression of excitement after she has seen just how cute the kids looked all dressed up

Kellie & Her Dad

During The Ceremony... serious faces :)

The first married kiss

I seriously love this pic below!! I dont know why, I just do

So still at the reef resort at Zilzie for the first lot of post shots, these are by the pool

And, the boys havin a little game of golf :) Joel very pleased with his efforts here!

And Kellie has a go.. At this point I would like to mention she is laughing so hard cause I was laying on the ground taking the pic.. and yep she hit me with the ball. Very amusing to all, I was just please I didnt have the ball smash into the lens!

Kellie & her beautiful bridesmaids. This was at the area of the singing ship at Emu Park

Joel and Kellie having a moment together in the Limo... photo time almost over for the day (well with me anyway, I am sure the pics continued quite constantly all night long!)

One of my very favourites ~ so soft , and just completely stunning

And the limo arriving back at the reception

The wedding was truly a great one! I wish Joel and Kellie all the very best for their future!
Emu Park was a great location, I have some weddings booked in for the future already, and I look forwards to going back again.


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